Author: Filio Ganide

The European Parliament debated rule of law backsliding and media freedom issues in Greece on Wednesday, after criticism and warnings from journalists, civil society and MEPs. EU Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders referred to several rule of law and media freedom issues Greece faces, from the way judges are appointed, to the lack of transparency in media ownership, threats and attacks against journalists, and the use of spyware, as described in the EU Commission’s annual rule of law report. The commissioner noted that steps have been made with some legislative acts and the formation of a task force, but more…

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There used to be about fifteen Muslim schools in Sweden. Now, only two remain. The other ones have disappeared. Muslim schools have been at the centre of debate when it comes to the future of denominational schools in Sweden, Dagen reports. And that future is quite uncertain, reality shows. Al-Azhar School, Iman School and Framsteg School are only a few examples of schools that disappeared from the neighbourhood recently. The closures have proceeded so far by now that only two Islamic schools are still open. The Cordoba International School in Stockholm is another example of a school closing. The National Security Service…

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The European Commission said on Thursday that it has referred Greece to the European Court of Justice for failing to close a landfill site on the island of Zakynthos, and for not providing updated flood risk and flood hazard maps. In the case of Zakynthos, Greece is being referred again to court for failing to close the Skopos landfill, which is within a Natura 2000 protected area. The European Commission said that although the landfill has not been operational for more than five years, it must not only be closed but also rehabilitated in order to comply with a 2014…

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The German and Italian foreign ministers welcomed a deal Wednesday to reform the EU’s migration and asylum policies. “EU Ambassadors have reached an agreement on the regulation addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum,” the Spanish government, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, wrote on X. Details have yet to be announced. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Wednesday’s developments showed solidarity between EU members in case of a crisis. “We made sure that minimum humanitarian standards such as access to education and health care are not lowered…

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Germany will provide Ukraine with a new €400 million ($427 million) military aid package, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Monday. The announcement came a day before a key meeting of US and its NATO allies at the Ramstein air base in southwestern Germany. Pistorius told Bild daily that Germany’s new military aid package will include urgently needed ammunition, mine rockets, armored vehicles and mine clearance systems. “We will also send special military clothing for winter, electricity and heat generators. In total, the package will be worth €400 million,” he said. Pistorius also said that he tested positive for COVID-19,…

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A drone carrying an explosive device was discovered on Bulgarian territory over the weekend. The Bulgarian defense ministry said Monday that it sent a special unit to destroy the drone, which was found overnight in the northern city of Tyulenovo on the Black Sea coast of the NATO country. Tyulenovo is about 30 kilometers from Romania’s southern border and hundreds of kilometers from Ukraine’s Danube River ports which Russia has bombarded with missiles and drones over the summer. The Bulgarian defense ministry said a five-member team from the Varna Naval Base was sent after a request from the regional governor…

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China on Monday condemned German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock after she labeled Chinese President Xi Jinping a “dictator.” “China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes the German side’s remarks, which are extremely absurd, a serious infringement of China’s political dignity and an open political provocation,” China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said Monday according to local news. “China has made serious inquiries to the German side through diplomatic channels,” she added. Last week, Baerbock gave an interview to Fox News underlining Germany’s support for Ukraine — in which she fired a broadside at Xi. “If Putin were to win…

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The Perseid meteor shower is one of the best shooting star displays of the year. The Perseid meteor shower (also known as the Perseids) is active every year from mid-July to late August. The next Perseids shooting star display will peak around the night of Aug. 12 and before dawn on Aug.13, 2024. Though the moon will be 50% illuminated at the time of the Perseids’ peak, it will set around midnight, so there will be dark skies until dawn — perfect for meteor hunting! If you didn’t manage to see any Perseids during the 2023 peak or perhaps you just want to…

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The revised plan for projects to be financed through the EU’s Recovery Fund that was submitted by the Greek government Thursday notably requests an extra €795 for projects that will help in the transition to green energy, from households making their homes more efficient to production of biomethane and carbon capture projects. The government has also requested €200 million for homeowners to renovate their properties before renting them to young people up to the age of 39. Greece has also dropped its request for funding for projects worth €800 million that were deemed too difficult or too time-consuming to implement:…

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Mali has revoked Air France’s permit to fly between Paris and Bamako after the carrier suspended operations to and from the country over regional instability. Air France on Monday suspended flights to Mali and Burkina Faso after the airspace in neighbouring Niger was closed by the coup leaders who seized power on July 26. The measure was due to end on Friday, but the company extended it to August 18, citing the coup in Niger and the “geopolitical situation” in the Sahel region. The Malian authorities said the suspension breached the terms of its permit to operate the route. In…

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